Growth and Value Creation in Healthcare by‘Dr. Siddiq Anwar’

Forum to interact with folks looking to advance healthcare delivery by conceptualizing and delivering ‘digital by design’ healthcare services.
Dr. Sid

Dr Siddiq Anwar is a nephrologist, with 21 years of extensive experience.

Dr. Anwar provides diagnosis and treatment for a variety of kidney-related conditions. He completed a Nephrology Fellowship and a Renal Transplant Fellowship from Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis, US, and received his Certificate of Completion of Training (CCT) in Nephrology and General Internal Medicine from the UK. Furthermore, Dr. Anwar has a special interest in health informatics, health systems engineering, simulation training, and the use of AI in healthcare.

Zyephr (Co-founder)

Healthcare in India is still paper-based and and care is still fragmented. Goal of of team Zypehr is to create a User -owned Electronic health Record. Zyephr will have inbuilt AI solutions to bring personalized healthcare tips and help user look after their health. With the Ayushman Bharat Digital Mission, Healthcare in India will get digitalized and Zyephr aims to bring a state of art solution the users and providers.

Raza Farm

We at Raza farm are looking to create a food forest in an arid landscape in Karnataka, India. Using permaculture and self-sustaining techniques.

We are experimenting, learning, and adopting innovative and traditional farming practices towards this goal.

Raza Farm is our contribution by creating a circular economy with the highest ethical principles at the heart of it.


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