Get to knowDr. Siddiq Anwar

Dr Anwar brings extensive experience in delivering high-quality patient care and best practices at some of the top Global Institutes. He has deep insights into the needs of the patients and on current healthcare practices of the GCC region and the Subcontinent. He is keen on using data-centric decision-making in healthcare and process optimization to improve overall healthcare outcomes.
Dr. Sid

What I like to do

Able to develop strategies and build programs from scratch or enhance established programs, and establish new opportunities. Leading many innovations in medical informatics to promote data-driven decision-making in medicine. Experience in engaging community, competing centers and supporting organizations.

In the last 5 years, I have built strategies, systems, and processes to develop renal care in the UAE and supporting renal programs across the world.

In addition, have created multiple academic consortia to understand the reasons for the exponential rise in renal diseases in the region and develop local solutions to local problems.

Have built an ecosystem around me that allows us to execute multiple projects that continue to create growth and value for our organizations plus advance patient care in our regions with knowledge transfer and capacity building.

My goal is to fundamentally improve how healthcare is delivered

This page has summarizes the breadth and scope of some of my current projects in the UAE and elsewhere. Know more in my resume.

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